Solventer 3 Phase Protection
3 Phase Protection
Absolute Determination
If you choose to hire me you should know what I can offer
Photoshop, Krita, Designing Websites, Logos, User Interfaces, Photo Enhancement, Good Drawing Skills
Visual Studio, QtCreator, Unreal Engine 4, OpenGL, OpenCL, Vulkan, Qt, Windows API, X Window System, AmxxPawn, Extreme Code Optimization
Windows/Linux Administration, Solutions to less common problems
Blender, 3D Max (previously), Character Modeling, Environments, Armature Manipulation, Animations, Polygon Optimization
Electronics, KiCAD, Desktop & Laptop Repair, Server Maintenance, A fair knowledge of how the standard architecture & Memristors work
Atom, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Responsive Designs, JQuery, Bootstrap, WordPress, Typo3 (TypoScript, Extbase & Fluid), Joomla Extensions, Kirby, Jekyll